.Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has revealed programs to create one crore girls coming from self-help groups (SHGs) fiscally independent through involving them in a variety of company tasks. Talking at the launch of the “Indira Mahila Shakti Bazar” in Hyderabad on Thursday, he said his authorities is actually carrying out multiple plans for females’s welfare.Reddy highlighted projects including free of charge trip for girls in state-run buses, backed LPG cylinders for Rs five hundred, cost-free energy as much as 200 units for the inadequate, sewing outfits for trainees, and “Indira Mahila Shakti” bottles. Throughout the handle, Reddy highlighted that more than 115 crore girls have actually gained from the free of charge bus initiative in the state.The government is likewise setting aside solar power plants to SHGs to boost their economical opportunities.Currently, Telangana has 65 lakh SHG participants, as well as the Chief Official emphasised the aim at of broadening this to one crore.
“It is your obligation to make it one crore. It is my accountability to create one crore (females) crorepatis,” he said.Reddy incorporated that he plans to visit all 33 districts in the state following year and convene along with one lakh women in each area. Governor Jishnu Dev Varma, who appeared at the activity, commended the SHG members and revealed his chance that they would become forerunners in the country.Published On: Dec 6, 2024.